April 26, 2004 -- HM -- Doss Log Out | Topics | Search
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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 3707
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Friday, July 15, 2005 - 10:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
The House of Spirits
Jim Doss

I come alone
to walk these red clay fields of my ancestors,
squeeze the clods of dirt
until they burst into a powder
that colors the rivers of my hands
with a confluence of fates.

Feral goats surround me
chewing skunkweed and scratching their heads
against cedar fence posts
set by my grandfather’s hand, descendents
like me of a dark time
when a family of seven lived
in this old cabin that sinks in a sea
of swaying weeds, a Sargasso of forgetfulness.

I touch rusty nails that hold
these boards together; run my hands
along the gaps between each grey plank
wider than two fingers; look
through the doorway for signs
of the ghosts that used to live here,
those spirits who won’t let my body invent itself.

Across the dirt floor, splashes
of black linger where pinto beans
and collard greens simmered. A broken chair
half-buried where the family ate. Dark stains
of oil lamps flare on the walls
leading to the stair-ladder and a loft
of tiny bedrooms filled with stars and wind.

I can see a bride of fourteen
and her thirty-five-year-old husband,
joined by hard mountain ways.
They greet me with a suspicion
reserved only for strangers,
yet offer food and a blanket for the night.

Here a girl in a blue print dress
sits crying in the dirt, the head
of her china doll smashed against the doorframe
by jealous brothers. Fragments of the doll’s
hand-painted blue eyes
sparkle by my feet.

Their stories flow through me
from this house to the orphanage
to the broken homes, join my own story,
these rivers that run through my hands,
and I step inside under a roof that sags
and creaks like the back of an old plow horse,
to be born again into this family when it was still a family.

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